Penalty clause which sets out that, "education staff under unilateral contract who resigned will not be allowed to work in any special education institute for a year" was removed from the related regulation.Amendment in the Special Education Institutes Regulation was published in the Official Gazette and came into force.
The amendment in the "quit work" clause of the regulation removed the penalty clause which sets out that, "education staff under unilateral contract who resigned will not be allowed to work in any special education institute for a year". The amendment aims at providing relief to the education staff.
Work permit extension will be collectively approved in June
The amendment stipulates that work permit extensions of education personnel working in special education institutions will be collectively approved in June. The article concerning work permits are amended by taking hardships of working in the field into consideration and removes the obligation to sign a new contract before the end of the duration of the previous contract.
İŞKUR will not appoint education personnel
Meanwhile, the amendment set out that the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) will not be responsible for appointing education personnel to on the job and similar training courses.
Special education institution buildings
The amended regulation also defines conditions for opening preschool, primary school, secondary school and special education school buildings by taking into account the new developments in the construction sector.
Moreover, definitions of master student and students that will be assigned to foreign language education are updated in order to prevent application differences in different parts of the country.